

Feng Shui Home Interior Consultation

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy dating back over 4000 years. The literal Chinese translation of “feng” means wind and “shui” means water. And while it has evolved over time into many different schools of thought and practices, the fundamentals of Feng Shui have not changed. It aims to ensure that people live in harmony with their surroundings and it’s widely used throughout the world by those who seek to create balance, harmony, abundance and health in their lives.

The primary tool I use for my clients’ home Feng Shui Consultation is the Bagua map. A total of nine life areas are represented on the Bagua map: health, prosperity and wealth, children and creativity, helpful people and travel, knowledge and spirituality, fame and reputation, love and relationships, career and life path and family and ancestors. Additionally, there are numbers, colors, shapes and elements that relate to each ‘gua’. 

I factor in these components and your personal desires to help you navigate through life with a plan of guidance to help achieve the changes you want in your life.


When To Have A Feng Shui Home Interior Consultation

• When you need support due to a feeling of chaos or uncertainty

• When things are good and stable and you’d like to enhance what’s going well in your life

• When you’re going through a major transition in your professional or personal life (ie. a new job)

Benefits of a Feng Shui Home Interior Consultation

• Unlocks hidden potential within yourself

• Leaves you with a feeling of abundance

• Promotes a comfortable home that supports your wishes

• Creates a nurturing environment

• Optimizes the flow of energy between you and your home

• Ignites your spirit and talents

• Increases your feelings of happiness and harmony


What You Can Expect Before, During and After Your Feng Shui Home Interior Consultation


You and Pam will have the opportunity to chat on the phone to discuss what your priorities and wishes in life are. You’ll also use this time to schedule your Feng Shui home interior consultation. Once your consultation is confirmed, Pam will ask you to provide her with either a detailed drawing of your home or a blueprint of it. She will also send you an in-take form for you to complete and return to her prior to your scheduled consultation.


Pam will meet with you at your home to sit down and review the expectations and goals you have for your Feng Shui home interior consultation. You’ll then walk together through your home whereby Pam will go room-by-room in providing you with actionable steps and adjustments you’ll be able to apply immediately for each room.


After the walk through of your home is completed, Pam will provide you with a folder which will be yours to keep. The folder will contain your personalized Feng Shui home analysis and all the suggestions and recommendations she’ll have made for you and your home. Pam will then be free during a 30 minute follow up which you can use to ask her any questions you may have for her that time.


Client Testimonial


“Pam is an absolute God sent. My husband and I were feeling a disconnect in our lives when Pam came for a home visit almost 2 years ago. She gave us some amazing advice. We made some subtle inexpensive changes. We set our intentions, put in the work and reaped the benefits. Now we are communicating effectively and efficiently, found that work/life balance and are more present with our children than ever before. We can't thank her enough!”

- Tracey M. Pembroke, MA